Anyone else terrified about the future? yea

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    2 years ago

    Not really terrified about the future, unless you count the terror that comes with understanding the paradoxes of existing. But I've made a peace of sorts with that.

    I know that the world needs me and my comrades, and it needs me to find more and more of my comrades, and it needs me and my comrades to all work together cohesively. I/we hold answers that humanity desperately needs to survive.

    We are living in a pivotal time. I used to resent not being well-positioned to play a role in this, but now I feel better-positioned than ever. The decisions I make and structures I build over the next 10 years will make a big difference in how many people I'll be able to harbor when the massive rip in the national fabric occurs.

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
      2 years ago & @everyone

      We are in a race to build up an alternative. Tools and machines that are durable, modular, and open-source. Buildings that aren't just garish empty shrines of individualistic affluence for 100 years before they collapse. Land use patterns that do not treat topsoil as a dispensable resource. Political systems that treat people as collaborating equals rather than rivals scrambling over each other to climb a hierarchy. And a culture that prizes strength in diversity and encourages cooperation over exploitation.

      We are talking about nothing short of a whole new civilization. We must start, somewhere, anywhere.