• Call Me Mañana@lemmy.ml
    1 month ago

    "That actual racism out on display [...] Replace white with black, indigenous, Jewish and you’d be banned in a second"

    Reverse racist rhetoric? Where have I ever seen that? Oh, in white supremacists.

    Do you know why I would be banned if I exchanged white for absolutely any other ethnicity? Because, historically, it was the white elite that went out to exploit the rest of the world and created racism as a "scientific" justification for doing so. So, for any eventual "oppression" (OMG, the Call Me Mañana on lemmy.ml said that for my country to be fair the majority of the white population would need to die, I'm so scared) against white people be considered racism, you would have to rewrite history (and that's what white supremacists do, by the way).