Obviously only serious responses. I know "clap/my/ass/cheeks" as a pronoun flair would be hella funny but I don't have the patience to sift through a ton of meme comments today, lol.

  • TransComrade69 [she/her,ze/hir]
    4 years ago

    My issue is that letting people type them in is that will 100% guarantee memes at the expense of trans people and I'm just not about that. We've already seen spammers and wreckers coming in using custom meme pronoun flair that they managed to weasel in somehow and it can feel very invalidating.

      • TransComrade69 [she/her,ze/hir]
        4 years ago

        If we are blocking words then I'd say we're right back where we started at limiting what people can input like we currently are, haha. At that rate we might as well continue having people request them to save the trans community the headache of people using the concept of explicitly stating one's pronouns as a joke and to save y'all the time of not having to report chud shit that slips through the filters, haha. If scrolling will be problematic as we continue adding more, my next best thought is seeing about having a searchable dropdown so you don't have to scroll to search for them as we add more.

        I just don't want anyone to have to deal with people making a mockery of our desire to receive basic human respect in the form of being addressed as we identify, y'know?