Instagram began as app-only but eventually ended up being accessible via a web browser. Nowadays I feel that more people access the internet mainly though their phone. Will Meta end up opening it up to web browsers, or is the data SUCC that apps allow too tempting for the zucc?
(I won't be using it, no matter what happens)
..first the USAians take away "trump" as a funny word for a fart, and now "Threads" means something else.. what a shame. (Still haven't built up the courage to see the film, I think it'd wreck me)
I wonder what proportion of the general population uses instagram via web vs via app. I'd wager it's 90% app only.
I wonder how the federation thing will turn out. It seems to be an EEE ploy, but maybe the fediverse will get more investment/eyes on it in the meantime? investment that will improve the libre/open source/fediverse in the long run?