There are "Texas nationalists" who want to secede from the US and "SmthExit" movements all around Europe. These don't sound really anticolonial, but this beef within the West seems to make their bourgeoisie weaker.

  • queermunist she/
    22 days ago

    Definitely not anticolonial, they seem to be fueled by reactionary and frustrated former colonizers who long for the ghosts of the past.

    There's potentially some use in pitting the national bourgeoisie against international bourgeois forces. Mostly I just think it's funny.

    22 days ago

    Leaving the European union is a good thing. The EU only weakens the people's power. The regional secession movements is a case by case analysis. Many are legitimate but many are just balkanization attempts by foreign powers.

    Texas specifically would either change nothing in practice or weaken the empire, so it might be a good thing, although whatever government that forms thereafter would be incredibly unhinged even by right wing "standards".

    22 days ago

    I think that leaving the EU is a good thing, although I'm wary when it happens under capitalist states since then it happens because the ruling class thinks they can exploit the population better outside of the EU. This is what happened under Brexit.

    22 days ago

    Right decision, wrong motivation (and hilariously bad implementation).

    Anything that weakens and diminishes the EU is a good thing. It is an unreformable, neoliberal, imperialist institution.

    This goes double for the US. However i don't believe that any US state is actually going to secede. Their bourgeoisie all benefit too much from the federal government.