• bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
    1 year ago

    We can not deny that there is also a systematic attempt to change the demographic structure of some regions of Turkey which also has political and ideological consequences

    Now what did he mean by this?

    • HamManBad [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Hopefully, referring to the cultural erasure of Kurds in the southwest. But out of context it does sound like a western fascist worried about immigration

      • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
        1 year ago

        Here’s the context (immigration)

        “TKP is handling the issue with a class-based approach, struggling against any form of racism and trying to defend the rights of the immigrant workers. However we also take into account the organised fundamentalist armed groups within the immigrants coming mainly from Syria, Libya and Afghanistan. This is a real security problem for the working masses. We can not deny that there is also a systematic attempt to change the demographic structure of some regions of Turkey which also has political and ideological consequences. So TKP has no intention to be a part of the immigrant romanticism which is pumped by liberal circles. Of course where there is capitalist exploitation there are attempts to break the unity of the working classes, to promote nationalism or some other divisions to weaken the class movement. All over the world they are using the immigrant workers not only for cheap labour but also for creating confrontation inside the working masses. The same happens in Turkey. However the main source of the reaction towards the immigrants is the secular middle classes which were poisoned by the idea that the Syrians were threatening the society culturally. True, there is a real cultural problem but those who fear that immigrants will harm their daily life forget that the conservatism and the fundamentalist ideas are basically domestic issues.“