title tone indicator: heavy sarcasm

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I don't agree that Patriarchy is a system which necessarily privileges all men over all women, and exists to allow the former to exert power over the latter. It is a system which exists to safeguard & enforce the power of Patriarchs, which are a very specific kind of man

    That's the issue. With the individualism and free market ideology of American capitalism, every man has the capability of seeing themselves as a patriarch.

    The anger that violent male (primarily) incels have is derived directly from the contradiction that patriarchy only protects the patriarchs, and they believe themselves to be patriarchs. To them, in their mind, they're owed something for being a white man. When that belief comes head to head with the fact that they also have to interact with the wage labor system like the rest of us, and their primary social class isn't patriarch, but proletarian, they either resolve that contradiction by casting off their patriarchal beliefs, or doubling down on them.