I still don't know if this satire or not

    • GlueBear [they/them, comrade/them]
      19 days ago

      At this point aren't they just nazbols? I'm not going to ask any of them (and I can't find the original post anymore so I can't link it), but that sub regularly attacks others for having Frantz Fanon and Edward Said in their libraries.

      They remind of a bunch of things: patriotic socialists, nazbols, blue no matter who.

      Also: how are you going to mourn over dead Nazis/Zionists but completely ignored dead Palestinians? That pic is unironically how they feel about the dead occupiers.

      • bestmiaou@lemmygrad.ml
        19 days ago

        i think this is the link to the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ultraleft/comments/1dii2hl/leftoid_ethnostate/

        i have a hard time reading the conversation as anything but pro-colonial

      • Xx_Aru_xX [she/her]
        19 days ago

        because the nazis and zionists were prole nazis and zionists (for some reason Palestinians aren't prole)

  • culpritus [any]
    19 days ago

    all live in a more liberated society in the future


    lEftOiD eThNoStAtE !!!

    not sure how to interpret this any other way in my view

  • flan [they/them]
    19 days ago

    I dont really understand what the point of even having this position is. For people who care about decolonization it is obviously an important subject they will advocate for but if you are against it? What danger is there that it will even come to pass? It must be less likely to happen than solving global warming so why even bother arguing against it? You are getting mad at stuff that is so abstract and future facing you might as well be that cartoon with the guy making cardboard monsters.

  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    19 days ago

    i dived into that subreddit and still can't tell if it's all irony or not. it's all so ridiculous and weird the conclusions they draw

    and i often peg as a "leftcom" myself on those lefty ideology tests.