I’ve read some good stuff on early soviet history, as well as more general Cold War history, but wondering if anyone has book (or film even?) suggestions for soviet history post-revolution. Either something comprehensive or something about a particular era or subject. Preferably written by a Marxist. I am reading a history of the CIA written by a lib (legacy of ashes), and while it is arguably worth suffering through on account of its wealth of detail, I cannot put myself through something like that again. I have this soviet world on my list (thanks to whoever posted that here) but I think that was written in like the 30s, so could only really cover so much.

  • FakeNewsForDogs [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Nice. Not familiar with that website but it looks good. And I did just watch a Sankara documentary the other day. Sad that so many socialist histories are basically autopsies, but I will check those out.