Permanently Deleted

    1 year ago

    Xfce is nice! I used it myself for a while, though I came back to tiling, I found it too inefficient. With a twm I can use my computer at the speed I like. I run myself a Gemini capsule and Gopherhole for quite a while now, I could give you more information if you wish!

    Speaking of small web communities, check out: You probably know them, but they recently shut down and put out an amazing manifesto of how to grow a community, you should definitely read it. The admins were also Marxists.

    I’m glad that you are also an analog technology enjoyer, there’s just something else to these devices that smartphones and computers cannot really provide. It’s quite an amazing feeling I like to share with the people I meet, not many people have seen, not even typed, on a typewriter. Sharing the magic is the least I could do. I sadly haven't tried a typewrtier.. yet. I'll see if I can get my hands on one, though the simple editing that you do digitally when writing is unbeatable.

    Yeah 4chan’s /g/ is exactly like that, they were the guys that got me to read the Unabomber Manifesto. And even back in my worse days I knew Kaczyński was batshit insane, couldn’t really believe people would unironically try and spread his idiotic message. Look at Luke Smith and how he praises the Unabomber and other such figures, even has a video saying imagination is demonic, lol. Same with DistroTube, both are far-righters.

    And correctly so! My TV is a CRT and it works just fine. And also is a reason why I don’t really care for 4k Ultra HD torrents and just settle for 720p (Remember when 720p was called HD? I sure do). Bruh even standard resolution, known as 480p, is prefect enough for me lmao. Yeah there's a constant competition of "MORE PIXELS! MORE QUALITY!" but it's barely distinguishable on an average screen. It's just the techbro conception of "progress"

    Look around, they are making your software! Not fanboying about it on reactionary internet forums or shilling shitcoins B) Haha, fair

    Edit: Thanks for linking me to Dillo! I'll check it out. I have experience hosting things, so I could help you, if you want to make something like a community or whatever, if you want.

    • Łumało [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Now that's something I haven't heard of! Thank you for mentioning it, I'll definitely look into it!

      Also you are quoting me wrong, you should add an additional line after the quote to fix it xd

      I sadly haven’t tried a typewrtier… yet. I’ll see if I can get my hands on one, though the simple editing that you do digitally when writing is unbeatable.

      I think more and pace myself better when typing on a typewriter, I also look out more for mistakes and generally think a lot before I lay it down on paper. It's a different mode of production you could say, but yes. The versatility of the text editor or word processor is simply unmatched in the modern world. I just like the limitations and requirements that the typewriters put on me.

      Look at Luke Smith and how he praises the Unabomber and other such figures, even has a video saying imagination is demonic, lol. Same with DistroTube, both are far-righters.

      It's hard to say the first didn't influence me, he was one of the few who made Linux videos in 2016 and 2017, before Youtube Linux really blew up. So unfortunately he was the guy I looked up to. Yeaaaahhh... Quite a shameful past, but I'm not afraid to admit it. Luke is the premier petit bougie sympathiser… „Oh you rent? Just buy land soycuck!”. What a fucking moron.

      Yeah there’s a constant competition of “MORE PIXELS! MORE QUALITY!” but it’s barely distinguishable on an average screen. It’s just the techbro conception of “progress”

      Progress means better treats. That's unfortunately the mindset of every anti-PRL idiot born in the 1970's. They didn't have jeans, Sony, Philips, Nintendo or other shit. Who fucking cares they've had guaranteed education, work, housing, high quality healthcare and more. Now that it's all collapsing it's just an inconvenience as long as they can keep their white BMW SUV. Fucking hell.

      Haha, fair


      Also keep in mind, the Dillo+ I linked is a fork of standard Dillo. It add more features including support for Gopher and Gemini. Also thank you for wanting to help me! While UNIX like operating systems is something I pretty much mastered as I've got 7 years of experience as a day to day user, hosting is something I've yet to get into. I'll try to figure things out as I go and maybe I'll nag you when shit hits the fan lmao