Don’t pass this man the rock when he’s hot🔥🏀🔥🥵HE WILL COOK! Edit: For context, she was saying “China is killing Americans” through opioids and saying Biden is helping China to kill more.

  • KiG
    1 year ago

    I guess my key point is we should pick our battles when trying to interact with people who are conditioned to be against everything we advocate for.

    Obviously i think combatting bigotry goes hand and hand with our struggle. I guess insults like "low IQ" and "b!tch" in particular are just a little low priority and arent worth the alienation.

    When i get in a political argument with people IRL or online, i like to focus on the most pertinent issues. If they say unsavory things in between the base discussion i ignore it because its not worth bogging down the conversation and making myself easily dismissable.

    I have seen far greater success with this method, meeting people where they are at and not immediately impuning their morality, than by trying to scold a person 50 different way from the get go. If people can be moved leftward, the rest will come naturally.