Whenever I hear of Marxist theory applied to the conditions of modern America it's always in relation to ML or Trotskyism, but I never hear Maoism brought up. Does Maoism have any application to current day America?

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Absolutely, in non/semi-industrialised countries it is by far the most successful option. In the US flyover states it might even work, if it wasn't full of chuds. Maybe Urban nations with significant rural areas like Aus, though the main cities like Sydney are self sustaining within their local basin

    PPW is less easy to adapt to, say the Rhineland, where the concept of rural means "5km wide green belt". No one is going to hide out in the remaining Black Forest pockets, striking at Stuttgart supply trains while dodging holiday hikers.

    An adaptation to environments where there is nothing but cities and city support structures is needed, and I have trouble seeing how that would look like PPW as opposed to a more conventional ML approach of urban strikes and insurrection.