Another declassified study shows the Air Force misled the public in the 1950s about UFOs to conceal the CIA's spy plane testing.

*removed externally hosted image*

    1 year ago

    When the US was doing a terrible job at keeping COVID under control, we got UFO stories. When the Norfolk-Southern, East-Palestine OH thing was going down, we got UFO stories. Just a couple days ago, Earth hit its highest average global temperature in recorded history, and now we're hearing of them again.

    The only people who are stupid enough to not see through this are also the people stupid enough to believe in aliens

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      1 year ago

      Indeed, and I'm perfectly convinced there are aliens in this vast universe of ours, I just think it's absurd to believe that aliens who mastered interstellar travel have nothing better to do than to zip around here.

        1 year ago

        Earth's civilisations are so backwards rn, too. If aliens did manage to get here, they would be far more advanced. It would be like walking to the shop and stopping to talk to an ants nest.

          1 year ago

          Entire civilization on Earth exist for mere 10000 years or so, of which we are barely noticable on really short range for 200. People just can't imagine how space is stupidly mindboggingly huge and how much time is needed for anything to happen there.

          For example: Probe like Voyager would need more time than our entire civilization existed to reach even the closest star. 8 times more time.

            1 year ago

            Exactly. Imagine developing space travel and then coming across a species that still largely thinks it can achieve anything by leaving all the great development projects to random individuals – 150 years after the discovery of dialectical and historical materialism. Not exactly a mark of distinction.

            Then consider that if aliens manage to get here, the native species believes that they won't have the technology or resources to find out a little about them before they make themselves visible. If aliens do arrive, they'll know everything about us before they show their 'faces' and they'll be stopping off at Beijing first.

              1 year ago

              Also imagine paranoid theories like "dark forest" are being peddled with no reason at all, but much reception.

              And by a Chinese writer of all people.

                1 year ago

                I wouldn’t blame Cixin Liu. People forget that sci-fi is often about the present day and that his use of the dark forest in his novels is not necessarily and endorsement of the theory as a solution to the Fermi paradox.

                I also feel like, in the series, the dark forest is a reasonable stand in for capitalism, especially considering the obvious references to colonialism and imperialism. The final book even suggests the universe will cease to be livable unless sacrifices are made in the interests of cooperation.

                  1 year ago

                  It can be understood like that, but if that was his intention, it fell flat on face, judging from the reception.

                  I blame him for popularisation of that theory which was so fringe it didn't even had a name previously.

                  1 year ago

                  Dark Forest hypothesis is the most paranoid and pessimistic explanation of Fermi's Paradox. It got huge traction worldwide after it was the topic of otherwise excellent book by Chinese sci-fi author Liu Cixin.

                    1 year ago

                    Right, I knew this stuff. But what did you mean by

                    by a Chinese writer of all people.

                    Should Chinese authors "peddle" more optimistic baseless theories instead or what?

                      1 year ago

                      Yes, i would expect them write more in line of socialist sci-fi tradition instead of typical american doomer settings. Sci-fi genre is utterly oversaturated with darkness already.

      • lckdscl [they/them]
        1 year ago

        They also happen to only visit Amerika too. Aliens, for all I care, is a purely epistemological uncertainty. I stay agnostic on whether or not they are out there. What is absurd is that while all these devices we have pointing up at the sky to see and hear things from all the spectrums detected no UFOs, yet the aliens are just there hovering above Amerika. I would expect extraterrestrial life studies to come from some meticulously put-together study from scientists (who are very good at pattern recognition and also statistical reasoning). The simplest explanation here is that they're just a distraction deployed en-masse.

    1 year ago

    I wanted to read the original source of this, and went down a rabbit hole. this doc here details the lies that they would tell the American people. There's another one where they openly talk about telling the media what to say. And a follow up here and here. Also a nice review of a conservative radio host doing what he was told.

    But I think that the cherry on top is this telegram with instructions for local media. One of the talking points that they want them to talk about are communist attacks on the free press. You can't make that shit up.

    I never did find the original document (there are a LOT of telegrams to go through), and I'm tired of reading about these scumbags. It's all there in black and white, plain as day. Why do the liberals keep on believing what these assholes have to say?

    1 year ago

    Weird. I've been seeing a ton of "alien" news this week. Wonder what's actually happening

        1 year ago

        No I know, I mean what is the cute congressional political theater actually covering

              1 year ago

              No, I am saying that there plenty of sources of news and we are not getting the news from a single sources even if ones focus on this, others don't. In the past there wasn't much else to check, so big news would take most of a paper or slot of time on the tv news.

              But now with internet the pages or slot times are not limited, and there is plenty of other sources or sources from other countries that in the past were not available, so other important stuff isn't hidden because this.