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  • 39 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Why won't you people learn that the US is the only force for good in the world, and should be worshipped? Only a fascist would be calling for its destruction. They've only killed a few people here and there, and I'm sure they were all accidental, not like those evil soviets! Please, just pick up a history book. I recommend The Anti-Communist Manifesto by Jesse Kelly. He's a good, honest, hard working, all AMERICAN politician who just has reasonable centrist opinions that I don't see how anyone could disagree with.

    From weaponizing race, sex, and gender to hijacking our schools, communism threatens to destroy our cherished American way of life. Featuring practical tools and tactics to not only identify communists but also defend the United States from this malicious enemy, The Anti-Communist Manifesto is an instructive guide for all patriots.

    I need a shower now.

  • I finally had the time to read this properly today (and it was a good day for it!). Thank you again for the truly insightful post. Slave and Indian rebellions often featured them killing every one of their oppressors indiscriminately. I've never faulted them for that, as they had no business being there in the first place. I've never made the direct comparison before, and it's really eye opening.

    You're right, now I'm just sad. But I do find it heartening that US military history features so few strategic victories, despite the constant bloodshed.

  • I loved what I read about it, but I've admittedly not actually played it yet. The alpha version looked a little too broken to be fun.

    I'm probably most enthused about the naval changes (military wise). The old system is completely indecipherable, and I'm not sure if it's broken or I just don't understand what's happening. It seems impossible to protect your convoys.

    Land combat formations seem much more sensible as well, although I didn't have severe problems with the old system. It should make it much easier to phase in new technology and maintain non-uniform unit types.