August 28 is the anniversary of the March on Washington For Jobs and Freedom in 1963. This march is most famous for Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream" speech. A quarter of a million people marched on Washington in order to pressure the government into passing laws that would end legal discrimination based on race. Essentially, making the human rights so vaunted in the US apply to more than just white men.

This protest scared the regime enough to pass new Civil Rights Legislation the following year. The story for Martin Luther King is not as happy however. The secret police began illegaly wiretapping his phones. He was assassinated in 1968 under mysterious circumstances. A 1999 trial found the US regime guilty of conspiring to assassinate Dr. King. His family was awarded $100.

    1 year ago

    Honourable mentions:

    The longest filibuster in US history in 1957. If you guessed that it was because a racist white man couldn't stand the thought of equality, then you're exactly right.

    10 Suffragettes were arrested for peacefully protesting outside the White House in 1917. Proving once again that the US constitution was really only supposed to refer to white men.

    The lynching of a 14 year old boy by the name of Emmett Till in 1955. He was tortured to death for offending a white woman. The men responsible were acquitted by the all white jury. They proudly confessed shortly after.

    Brutal police suppression on anti-war protesters in 1968. A government report recommended prosecution of the police force. Of course, nothing came of that.