August 29 is the anniversary of The Largest Airstrike on North Korea in 1952. Over 1400 bombing runs were completed that day. If you've guessed that this much firepower was used in the most horrible way possible, then you're exactly right. They carpet bombed the capital, Pyongyang. By the end of the war, the city only had two modern buildings left standing. General Curtis LeMay, commander of SAC during the war, boasted:

We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea anyway, some way or another, and some in South Korea, too.

Americans didn't care. Even the propaganda rag The Washington Post recognises that North Korea has very good reason to hate the US, and nobody cared about it at the time. They killed 20% of their population, and only stopped bombing the country because they couldn't find anything else to bomb. Then they bragged about a job well done.

A couple of decades ago, the US got a small taste of this. They haven't stopped talking about how shocking and awful it was ever since then. They invaded countries seemingly at random for decades. They lost two buildings and a few thousand people. What they did to North Korea was more like flattening the entire city and only leaving those two buildings standing.

The death toll of civilians in North Korea was 15 times that of the blitz. Double that of Germany in WW2. More even than Japan, who also suffered complete devastation at the hands of the Americans.

This is not an act of war. This is an act of terrorism. And none of these mass murderers ever saw justice.