
United States:

"5. North Korean Overseas Workers (OP8): Requires countries to expel all North Korean laborers earning income abroad immediately but no later than 24 months later (end of 2019)."

United Nations:

"Strengthens the ban on providing work authorizations for DPRK nationals by requiring Member States to repatriate all DRPK nationals earning income and all DPRK government safety oversight attachés monitoring DPRK workers abroad within their jurisdiction within 24 months from 22 December 2017."

Meanwhile the DPRK has no official restriction on the people's free movement.

Blaming others for one's own actions has got to be one of the greatest propaganda achievements in human history.

    1 year ago

    But could the Pax Americana frame success by people of color as a problem that incurs unsustainable huge sacrifices or a problem that increase complecency just like the success by free riding Western European diaspora who lived on the innovation and skilled labor of other people? They did claim that success by Russia, China, Iran, and Iraq will make the people of color into the most evil countries and that the Liberals and Bretton Wood institutions need to establish an international command economy that overrides the authority of the invisible hand of the market to compensate for the laziness of the Liberals.