Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So how’s it going?

  • flashmedallion@lemmy.nz
    1 year ago

    Have you considered high pay, short hours, not caring about everything imploding because the people who make decisions don't understand them, just let the implosion happen?

    As long as my ability to do my job doesn't get sledgehammered by the implosion, where do I sign up?

    • Dave@lemmy.nz
      1 year ago

      I mean, your job probably will get sledgehammered. Just look for employers that always seem to be hiring.

      • flashmedallion@lemmy.nz
        1 year ago

        Ain't that the truth. Or the ones that have been advertising for 3 months straight.

        But I'm not sure I'm built for the contractor/project hopping lifestyle. Maybe I need to change my attitude about that stuff. I'm very precious about building good foundations and that sort of thing

        • Dave@lemmy.nz
          1 year ago

          I live in Wellington and jump from project to project. I've only been doing it a couple of years, but you regularly end up working with people you know because all the projects are just recycling the same staff. Networking and relationships are surprisingly important. I didn't start until we were in a place we could live on one income, though (my wife has a permanent job).

          • flashmedallion@lemmy.nz
            1 year ago

            Maybe something to look into when my wifes position stabilises. I'm in Tauranga though so the critical mass here for IT employment may not be sufficient.

            • Dave@lemmy.nz
              1 year ago

              Maybe not. Wellington has an endless supply of government contracts (well, not right now since we are coming up to an election, but normally).