The Taiwanese company is treating American workers they way they treat their Taiwanese workers (terribly), the company only wants to import Taiwanese construction workers because they don't trust the Americans, and now Arizona may ban TSMC from importing more workers because this whole thing was pitched as a jobs program.

Some Arizonans who applied to work on this fab have indicated that TSMC is so distrustful of the local labor force that they are requiring some roles to relocate to Taiwan for 6-12 months for on the ground training, and offering below market rates for the privilege.

TSMC is also very infamous for forcing all of their workers to work very long hours for low pay. They’ve convinced Taiwanese workers that working for TSMC is a national duty, so they’re able to pay their engineers far below market rate.

They couldn't have picked a drier and cheaper state to set up shop in, and it was for the almost entirely un-unionized construction industry. And still...

  • rubpoll [she/her]
    1 year ago

    The land is the most inhospitable, and therefore the cheapest, and therefore the most profitable to purchase. Bazinga.