Like the kind that made you stop and think for a second about how stupid the person advocating it is. For me, it's the classic "The biggest mistake in recent history was the Allies not pushing into Russia after the fall of Berlin."

There's just a level of imperialist arrogance and blood thirst in there that makes my skin crawl. The worst thing in human history was that the US didn't immediately betray the Soviets and wipe them out until they were sure communism was done for.

    1 year ago

    Equating communism and fascism.

    I mean we seen that a billion times in various versions in mainstream and got used to this but still it's the stupidest fucking thing ever.

      1 year ago

      I just used the "social democracy is the left wing of fascism line" and the response was "well ackshually communism is the left wing of fascism and all the damn populists are spoiling our perfect social democracy" Completely braindead.

    1 year ago

    I'm sure I've heard a lot but one that stuck with me is "gunboat diplomacy and imperialism is good actually." From the same mouth a minute later: "the only reason the KMT lost [the fucking Chinese civil war] was because the US stopped giving them weapons. Communists are fundamentally incapable of accomplishing anything on their own."

      1 year ago

      It's like his mind had to course correct mid-sentence because he was close to fucking up his own world view.

    1 year ago

    It is a simple one really: that imperialism brought civilization, technology, and relative prosperity to the natives (some youtube channel that "debunked" communism said this)

      1 year ago

      Sounds more or less like modernization theory, which is indeed absurd. Yet the empire's court economists and political scientists continue to write about it in an effort to make it seem serious and believable.

    1 year ago

    I once had a coworker fucking uno reverso card me when he started talking some weird white Islamo-nationalist shit and then went onto some really racist tirade against black folk.

    He kept talking about the need to defend ones' own people, so I brought up the Black Panthers and what they stood for, what they did in service to not only black people but for the people entirely. I told him they protected their own and that our state killed them for it.

    He brought up Hitler. He said "just like Hitler, he was protecting his own"!

    I don't even remember what I said after that, I was flabbergasted and almost certain we were both wasted.

    1 year ago

    This sub conveniently forgetting about 200 years of Russian imperialism & going to bat for Russia in Ukraine. Like I know u guys don't like Western powers but countries shouldn't be able to conduct "special military operations" just because they're bigger than their neighbor.