
Some eagle-eyed viewers caught the inconsistency. The same footage – but with the slogans clearly visible – can be seen, for example, in a Deutsche Welle report on the situation in Cuba. Demonstrators declaring that “the streets belong to the revolutionaries” are probably not the kind of Cuban protesters that Senator Cruz had in mind.

    2 years ago

    Ted Cruz, the Texan senator from Canada with a gusano father, is definitely the expert one should ask when it comes to a absolutely laughable attempt at a colour revolution in Cuba.

    2 years ago

    In the same news broadcast they "interviewed" a random Cuban on the streets that was part of the "protests", and they "translated" him as saying that the government was evil and must be overthrown, that Fidel was a monster, etc....

    The man was Miguel Diaz-Canel..... The president of Cuba and the head of the Communist Party....