It's kind of depressing that lgbt spaces here are empty because there's been no attempts to reach out/ reconcile with the existing trans community in chapo or any of their concerns, but there's a big ol post on main weaponizing lgbt identity against china which actually recently took a great stride in providing legal protection for trans comrades seeking medical transition. And with a prominent post in this very community being a cis person questioning the need of affirming pronouns for comrades across the gender spectrum. It's more than ok to pose these questions but it raises the issue of what the priority is in affirmatively making sure there is a space here in chapo for our queer comrades to have a home, vs being a home for cis comrades to affirm their own perceived tolerance.

  • liambean [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I'm not entirely sure what else it is you need to know. I spent a couple of hours yesterday detailing my concerns about merging the lgbt channels on those channels. (liam.bean) That whole message, tbh, made me fell unsafe. Like, that the mod team is so far out of touch that they don't understand why trans folks need a separate space and why the idea of renaming the sad-trans channel "sad-gay" feels like so much trans-erasure. I'm just not sure how to explain it if it's not something you can understand. And I also don't want to get banned for speaking up.

    That Marie's post (which I felt was not rude or anything worth banning for) has been deleted and Marie now banned doesn't exactly fill me with confidence that it's even ok to voice those kinds of concerns here.

    • Briggs [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I wasn't online much if at all yesterday and I don't read back every channel when I do get on, if you don't communicate that you feel unsafe to us then we can't correct for it, I haven't banned anyone for talking to me in my dm's, Marie's post and account was banned because she was one of the first people to engage the mods in bad faith, even before any of the events regarding zara happened.

      • Camera [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        We were told that everyone would have a "clean slate" on lemmy after being banned from the discord, so why would Marie's actions prior have anything to do with the issue at hand today? Its not any less relevant.