Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • bananafungus@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Probably petty but I just declined a "pre-work assessment" because after reading the fine print it appears some of it will be AI assessed, and it also requested access to my webcam while I sat the test to record me.

    I've emailed the recruiter and told them I'm withdrawing my application and why I'm withdrawing it. Probably won't hear anything back but I'd rather not work for a company that can't even assess me themselves.

      • bananafungus@aussie.zone
        1 year ago

        It very much is. I'm in the process of trying to change jobs in the public sector, and easily 8/10 result in some sort of psychometric testing or one-way video interview with absolutely no human interaction. I've heard from friends in the private sector it's all very much the same as well, lots of video pitches and AI assessments through 3rd party agencies.

    • Hongohones@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      Yeah one of the shitty food prep type brainless jobs I applied for recently for subway or pancakes or something like that wanted a 60 second intro "fun" video. fuck off.

      • halibutherring@aussie.zone
        1 year ago

        Years and years and years ago when I was desperate and was applying for anything, I applied online for Krispy Kreme and it was legitimately an hour's worth of torturous round a bout questions which culminated in asking for you to record and send them a video of yourself pitching why you wanted to work at Krispy Kreme.

        I was exhausted at that point, found some way around doing that part of the endurance marathon, and wrote a MASSIVE essay in the comments section about how horrible the whole process of applying for a job at Krispy Kreme was and how crazy it was to do all of this just to get your resume in front of someone so they could decide whether or not they were going to interview the applicant.

        Several months later, they rejected my application.

      • bananafungus@aussie.zone
        1 year ago

        I'm in the public sector and so many departments are turning to this type of recruitment, and a lot of them are also scratching their heads why they keep getting people ill suited for the job.

        • heyheyitskay@aussie.zone
          1 year ago

          Wow I knew shit was tough but didn't know we've come to this. Wtf could they be assessing with this high tech for a govt job? Good on ya for saying nay and telling them why.

        • Hongohones@aussie.zone
          1 year ago

          I mean, does being able to make a shit hot tik tok actually make someone employable somewhere other than some kind of promo job?

    • Mittens_meow@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      I just did one of those, but no camera, just AI mentioned. They are common, even in senior roles. Unfortunately

  • Bacon@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    As an enjoyer of Asian mushrooms, having sampled a wide variety of mushrooms from Asia, I can testify that none of the popular Asian mushrooms look remotely like death cap.

    • heyheyitskay@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      Patterson has told police she purchased a package of dried mushrooms from an Asian grocery store in Mount Waverley at least three months before the lunch. The package of mushrooms she bought was hand-labelled, she said.

      Hand-labelled eh....hmm well this just gets weirder and weirder.

  • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Mushroom Murder Lady is a cack. "Asian grocery store" my ass, she's a racist apparently.

    Edit: also she lives in a smallish community in buttfuck Vic and she doesn't remember which of the three "asian groceries" she went to? Ha ha ha, liar!

    • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      She's already tried and convicted in the court of public opinion. And the media. May all the gods/goddesses help truth be known. I refuse to be a slave to Murdoch media.

      EDIT: there's a nasty smell of 'a dingo took my baby' about this whole thing. And look how that turned out - eventually.

      • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
        1 year ago

        Agreed. She was right to be distrustful of media.

        She's such a typical and easy target of societal hatred. She's middle aged and not pretty. She's working class from a poor rural town. She's white so she's a safe target, no risk being called racist if they pick on her. She is nervous and inarticulate, that doesn't make her guilty. She might really hate those people, that still doesn't mean she's guilty. She does dumb things because she's scared, that doesn't mean she's guilty. There's loads of people I hate but I would never think of killing them. The world thinks they know how a murderer behaves or what a murderer would say and if she doesn't measure up she's "guilty".

        All I know is the whole world is crazy , they will chew her up and spit her out, destroying decades of her life just for a few days of gossip, higher ratings and ad revenue.

        • Outlier1031@aussie.zone
          1 year ago

          As someone who was friends with her, Erin Patterson is not some dumb country, working class, bumpkin. She is incredibly intelligent and last time I spoke to her she was studying veterinary science and could calculate PI to a ridiculous number of places in her head. Both of her parents were academics and she came from money. She could be really manipulative and could hold a grudge, but when I knew her there was no way she would ever intentionally harm someone like she is being accused of doing.

          • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
            1 year ago

            I'm saying that is the public perception of her.

            She could be really manipulative and could hold a grudge,

            stop helping her

        • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
          1 year ago

          I don't care who you are, what colour of skin you have, your age or your weight if you get out of your little red car claiming you loved the people you've killed without a tear in your eye you are hiding something.

    • cuavas@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      also she lives in a smallish community in buttfuck Vic and she doesn’t remember which of the three “asian groceries” she went to

      She also has a property in Mt Waverly and claims that's where the "Asian grocery" is. Apparently Mt Waverly has two Korean grocery stores, and two other grocery stores that sell east or southeast Asian goods. Still doesn't make sense.

      Also, threw out the dehydrator that she didn't use to dehydrate the dried mushrooms she bought. That doesn't hold water at all.

    • tone_212@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      Does guilty looking things (dumping food dehydrator) out of fear of looking guilty. Heard that one before. Something ain't right here.

    • heyheyitskay@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      I lol'ed when I saw that. Also it just don't make no sense. Wouldn't any purchase have some sort of record? Why would you go with that narrative?? I'd be sweating if I was her lawyer.

        • heyheyitskay@aussie.zone
          1 year ago

          Yes but I imagine foot traffic wouldn't be so high and it would be the same people behind the counter who may recognise whether someone has visited the store. But I suppose it just becomes he said she said.

          Edit: I also think if it indeed was purchased then the cops will need to get on the case to trace where they came from asap. Because if there is indeed something wrong in the supply then it's possible that these are circulated elsewhere on the market.

  • wscholermann@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    One of the many reasons I could never be a politician is that I just don't give a fuck about sport and nor could I pretend to.

    • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      I HATE soccer. With a passion. But man I'd cheer the aussies on in a grass growing competition if we were playing well. Anything but Cricket.

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Wtaf I was wondering why the hell I was so cold all night last night and had to put my heater on (I usually leave my heater off while I'm asleep) and this morning I was also wondering why I had to stream the bathroom a bit before I could get in the shower, and I thought I was just a bit sensitive to the cold since I just woke up, but no, it's a cool 6° outside feels like 3. 4° overnight as well

    Every winter I'm reminded why exactly I want to move up north. This is why

    • just_kitten@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      Yeah I was wondering why my hands felt extra cold. Stupid barely insulated shacks we live in. Melbourne winters wouldn't feel half as miserable if we had proper construction (having now experienced living in a place that has double glazing and shit, I'm really feeling the difference).

  • bull⚡@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    I really didn't need to take today off work, I'm not leaving for the airport until 4:30pm, but godDAMN I'm glad I did 😎

    I just need to shave, beard trim, shower and pack the toiletries I use for that and I'm good to go!

    No word yet on my business class upgrade bid.. they said they'd email between 24 and 9 hours before the flight so that means up until 11:25am. I'm expecting I won't get it.

    • useless_modern_god@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      I remember you were going to hire a car. Normally one would just pick it up at LAX on arrival (or wherever your final flight lands). Please please Be extra careful and take it easy when driving due to jet lag. Your reaction times are WAY off.

      • bull⚡@aussie.zone
        1 year ago

        Yep picking up the car from LAX and driving 2 hours to Bakersfield on landing. I probably won't be the one driving that though I suspect, but if I am I'll be extra vigilant 🫶

  • bull⚡@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    So far so good... the dreaded wait for everyone to finish boarding before I know for sure

    *removed externally hosted image*

  • just_kitten@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Uh oh. Uh oh uh oh uh oh. Was having a good enough day, but after being made aware of some stuff at work that is very very relevant to my particular skill set but purposely kept from me because of some contrived administrative procedural thing that I am still completely unclear about, I am having a Moment trying to regulate the rush of trauma-response emotions of being unworthy or punished or abandoned, and also unprecedented rage trying not to scream I'VE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU BUT YOU WOULDN'T LISTEN. This is definitely a Bad Vibe.

    I am going to read some saved emails of people saying very lovely things to me and then reach out to some friends. Specifically one who works in actual proper HR and can tell me the calm factual aspects of what's going on, what the next steps are and how to resolve it with assertiveness, instead of getting struck in angry toddler space.

    • bleepitybloop@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      probably an obvious comment to make but if you are feeling it, take some notes on the situation at hand, being as factual as you can given the circumstances. contemporaenous notes are powerful documents to possess during conflicts and when things go to shit.

      • just_kitten@aussie.zone
        1 year ago

        Yeah, I'm starting to realise I should've taken more notes from last week too to assess what is reasonable and what isn't in this context. Never mind, I'm here now. Have a lot more clarity now after a long chat with a friend who works in HR and knows what I've been dealing with

          • just_kitten@aussie.zone
            1 year ago

            Yeah she's awesome. One of my longest friends here and she's a real stand up mate. Thank goodness I spoke to her because now I think I know what's going on (work seems to be behaving like I'm angling for workers comp, which I haven't even the foggiest idea about and isn't remotely my intention)

            • bleepitybloop@aussie.zone
              1 year ago

              honestly that's so awesome of her, i always wanted to know what it was like on the inside and its so great that you can get that perspective bc workplaces get real funny when it comes to this kinda thing

              in a job awhile back there were multiple claims against one staff member and the gov paid several people out due their behaviour. yet hr had the audacity to emphasise on numerous occasions that nobody was guilty, the workplace environment was safe, yadda yadda

              but anyway stoked you got some perspective on your situation and again i hope it mellows out for ya

    • heyheyitskay@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      I am going to read some saved emails of people saying very lovely things to me and then reach out to some friends.

      This is a good approach. I hope it pays off.

      • just_kitten@aussie.zone
        1 year ago

        It made all the difference. especially as one of the nice emails (honestly the nicest email I've ever received professionally) is from the same client org that relates to this latest episode of poor project management. I know I'm not shit and unworthy, take that inner wounded child!

  • Outlier1031@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Me: minding my own business

    My brain: blows and pops bubblegum 'Hey'

    Me: 'What'

    My brain: 'So like why haven't we got that job we applied for an hour ago?'

    me: sighs

  • PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Finally have completed my exercises for today. It was a hectic day at work, and hectic even before I left the house! The Minipeelers are both currently ill; the Miniest has improved and the Elder was coughing a bit and looking a bit NQR at the time, so I thought bugger it, they might as well both have the day off. I set them up with their needs as much as possible before I left so it's less their father has to do. Today however was the day the WGAC delivery arrived and also the grocery delivery arrived early (with all the disso, Glen 20 and tissues etc). The Elder Minipeeler showed a brilliant side of himself in taking the initiative and bringing it in mostly on his own (he woke his dad to help with the groceries but by his own admission Mr Peeler wasn't much help). Was also totally supportive to the Miniest, helping to keep hydrated and offering food. I said, "you're a great brother and a great son too, and I'm proud of you." Bloody legend.

  • Outlier1031@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Man, I hate the anxiety that comes with applying for jobs. Just give me the job now please me good worker much experienced.

    • Force_majeure122@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      Hello this is Force? Oh yes Outlier1031! Yeh they worked for me for about 18 months - honestly one of the most productive staff we had, it sucked they left. Amazing workplace culture fit too - super friendly and got along with everyone. Yeh look if you don't accept them for the job let me know I'm actually short staffed myself now. Yeh no worries.

    • bleepitybloop@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      I am right there with you. I've been looking for about 6 weeks now — landed a few good interviews, but there were better candidates each time. The worst part? The interviews have all been for incredible positions that I landed with rough as guts application written by chatGPT — yet the handwritten, bespoke, thoughtful (and by all other metrics) clearly superior applications have all been flat out rejected.

      no idea what to make of this but uhh yeah i hate moment of this cooked as process

      • Outlier1031@aussie.zone
        1 year ago

        Ahhh that sucks. The process is completely cooked. Bring on universal basic income I say. But I hope you find something soon. What type of jobs are you applying for?

        • bleepitybloop@aussie.zone
          1 year ago

          Isn't it cooked? My lord. Especially writing responses to selection criteria. I'm looking at entry level academic/research, learning design & peripherally related jobs — so yeah lol each application has ~10 criteria to respond to. Brutal.

          How about yourself, what kinda of work are you looking for?

          • Outlier1031@aussie.zone
            1 year ago

            I'm looking for office based customer service roles as I'm trying to get out of retail and store management. Addressing selection criteria is the blurst I can even imagine how annoying it would for academic jobs. It also doesn't help that employers seem want you to provide a really detailed responses with as little words as possible. Like sure let me just truncate 20 years of experience into two paragraphs.

            • bleepitybloop@aussie.zone
              1 year ago

              the most annoying is long applications odd when there's pre-screenings and multiple rounds of interviews, like goddamn spare us all the pain of writing and reading this b/s and ask these things face to face

              and that's dope! getting out of retail, that is, must be an exciting step forward.

              are you having much luck finding these types of office customer service roles? asking bc my sector is cooked rn, not enough jobs and too many applicants

              • Outlier1031@aussie.zone
                1 year ago

                Yeah I am pretty over retail, It's not a stable industry and my current employer and previous one has toxic people at the top. I'm also not interested in moving up the retail ranks to be an area manager or national or anything like that so there's not much more room for me to grow. The only answer is to move into the larger customer service industry where the majority of skills i have learned are transferrable and see what happens. I agree with you about multiple rounds of interviews. Such a complete waste of everyones time. I also find them to be a bit of a dick move on the part of the employer. It's like they know how inconvenient it will be for you to take more time off. But if you really want the job you will jump through the hoop, then most of the time you don't get it anyway.

  • Hongohones@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    So it's pretty to sign easy up to volunteer for the yes23 campaign. I did it this morning. I can't manage much more than handing out how to vote cards, but I'll probably do a couple more things in the mean time. I think this is a time to step up. Deciding you're going to vote yes and figuring everyone else around you is "Melbourne Basic Woke 101" is probably not enough. https://www.yes23.com.au/volunteer

    The no campaign is based on complete bullshit. Pretty much the cookers and liberal removed who grew up after their covid misinformation campaigns have learned their lessons very well. They know how to make people believe conspiracy theories and are under no obligation to tell the truth.

    Our democracy is a bit of a joke, but it's no laughing matter what colonialism has done in Australia and all over the world. The yes side are doing an ok job, but Albo is a bit of a wet paper bag.

    • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      I am so SO fucking sick of this. I hate it. Its a bit like the gay marriage thing. There is an OBVIOUS right and an OBVIOUS wrong. But sure lets to a litmus test of how strong news corps' influence is. Or how uneducated the country truly is. Albo looks weaker and weaker by the day by refusing to call the vote. And the longer this goes on the more room is created for hate under the guise of "Debate". Pathetic leadership.

      • Hongohones@aussie.zone
        1 year ago

        Yes. This is why I volunteered. This shouldn't be a political issue at all. It's about the constitution not being left or right wing. Australians are often either racist or just don't give a shit so they buy Murdoch's bullshit. What Murdoch has to gain from the no vote is anyone's guess, but it's probably just cos he and his staff are all racist scum.

  • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    had to cancel camping trip since Im still crook. Kiddo has hit 4 months so he's not sleeping (plus he is sick too). And when he WILL sleep its only for the MRS so she's stuck doing almost all the night stuff. All is not well in the break household.

    • stardustingss@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      We must have the same thing, I had to cancel my weekend me time plans too. And 4 month old sleep oh boy 🫠 I hope it passes quickly for you guys!

      • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
        1 year ago

        the running nose dry cough thing? Yeah fun and games! And every time you think your coming out the other side it comes back and smacks you in the face again. Yeah we'll get there. Gonna start transitioning to formula so at least I can do a bit more of the heavy lifting.

    • just_kitten@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      Several dads I know have all spoken of the difficulty of getting their young child to feel as comfortable and relaxed around them as the child's mother. Only one couple I know has the kid prefer to sleep in his dad's arms and that's because his mum is constantly stressed out when feeding him (he has some digestive issues and she has a bunch of health issues himself. Never breastfed kiddo) I dunno if it's just thousands of years of social conditioning and a bit of biology that kids gravitate towards their mum but I can fully appreciate how frustrating it can be for everyone in this modern era.

      • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
        1 year ago

        Personally I just feel guilty I cant do more. I get he needs her and its evolutionary and stuff. But man, im looking forward to when he is a bit older and I can do more for him.