We first need to obtain a blocklist of all possible Israeli ip addresses. This can be obtained from two sources.

  1. https://www.ip2location.com/free/visitor-blocker (choose peer guardian format)
  2. https://www.iblocklist.com/

Due to the nature of how IP addresses are distributed, these blocklists have to be updated, but that isn't a huge concern for us right now.

When you downloaded the file for Israel from either site, it should look something like this:


If you wish to add more nations to the list such as TERF island or the 4th Reich, then you can append the files on top of each other into one file.

Once you have the file, rename it with the .p2p extension so that qbittorrent will use it. Then, in your qbittorrent client, go to Preferences -> Connection. At the very bottom you should see a section labeled IP Filtering. In the Filter Path checkbox, select your .p2p file. You may also check the box to block trackers as well.

In other bittorrent software (hopefully you're using one that's libre) there should be a similar option for ip filtering.

There you go! You have effectively banned Israel from being your peer while you're doing p2p transfers. This won't stop Zionists from peering with you using a VPN or other undetected server, but this has done wonders for my mood.

Always remember to port forward and seed when torrenting (A non-Zionist VPN like AirVPN or ProtonVPN can allow you to do that). Only a Zionist does a download and run.


  1. https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/discussions/17457

From the discussion post:

I was talking on my part, don't know about others. I'm a constant seeder (7+ years) and monitor peers from time to time or when downloading something. During these years I've never seen a single Israeli seed on a rare torrent, or high download traffic from them. I'm being completely honest, the only time I see them is when they are downloading something from me.

  • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    I guess this is a bit of a deterrence but Israelis too have VPNs, don't know how well enforced copyright notices are enforced there.

    • CyberSyndicalist [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      You can think of this as a boycott of Israeli VPN end points so it's directing cash flow away from Israel by dual action of reducing demand for Israeli VPS/ISP services and forcing Israeli file sharers to spend their money on external VPNs instead of in the local economy.

    • hello_hello [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      It's not about stopping them completely since p2p is above such things.

      It's about sending a message (or just making your day better). There's a lot of devs out in the wild who put reactionary politics in their software, we should do the same thing too (minus the reactionary part).

      Also Israelis are the most treat brained people when they're not stealing people's land, they don't belong in the community.

  • FunkyStuff [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Is there any reason an innocent person might be connecting from Israel? VPNs, etc? I guess it's worth doing because of BDS anyway but just curious.

    • hello_hello [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      VPN servers are hosted in occupied Palestine but why would you ever want to use a VPN hosted in an active war zone in a country best known for the deadliest computer viruses in human history (Pegasus).

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      There are, but if someone is savvy enough to use a VPN but connects to the worst one privacy wise, then it’s their fault if they get blocked lol

      Hamas/Iran may be using proxies as part of their cyber operations, but they’re probably not torrenting the latest version of Baldurs Gate while doing so

  • Inui [comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    qBitorrent also has an option to just enter IPs in to ban manually in the Connection tab. It looks like it doesn't work though? They don't stay in my list, just disappear after pressing Save, no matter how I try to format them. Unless they're just being saved to a file somewhere.

    • hello_hello [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      You can ban IPs manually, it seems like what's happening on your end is a bug of some kind. I used to ban Israeli IPs from my current peers list in a tracker manually but I figured that you could mass blacklist them.

  • neo [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Ancedotally, I have also only ever seen Israeli peers and never seeds. OTOH, I also just use VPNs so I would never appear as my actual home country, and I can assume the same would be true for any peer.

  • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
    7 months ago

    I love this idea but is there a risk of blocking people in Palestine*? Or does Palestine have a different set of IP addresses?

    • I mean legally recognized Palestine. The whole place is Palestine, not Isntreal
    • hello_hello [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      The occupied West Bank might not be included as networkly speaking its called the West Bank territories.

  • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
    7 months ago

    but all my online gaming consists of blocking isntrael IPs on qbittorrent negative

    (this is great thank you)cat-trans