RyanGosling [none/use name]

  • 216 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]tochapotraphouse:yea:
    18 days ago

    I’m grateful I’ve never had a job as a chef. Shit looks so stressful and I feel like I’ll only be one annoying customer away from throwing him into a vat of boiling oil

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]toaskchapoWhere does fentanyl come from?
    18 days ago

    China still makes most of the RCs. I have no idea what these firms look like over in China, but I don’t think they’re like the manufacturers in Latin America hiding in jungled and churning retail barrels. If these factories are big enough to be producing and selling large quantities on the dark web (and clear web! You can find several stores openly selling them on google lol), then there’s major capital behind the operations somewhere. Either that, or someone on the assembly line has very nimble fingers.

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]toaskchapoWhere does fentanyl come from?
    18 days ago

    China makes most of the fentanyl and/or precursors. I read somewhere that Germany also produces a ton.

    Basically, fentanyl is an actual drug used in healthcare, and its precursors are used in other applications as well. Some companies work directly with cartels and others have inside men. But other companies refuse to do so because it attracts too many eyes. But that doesn’t stop the flow. Criminal syndicates also have corporate front entities that pose as legitimate pharmaceutical firms. They’ll put in orders, and some companies/customs/regulators may either turn a blind eye to the end user, others completely ignorant of the end user because the criminals are good at hiding.

    Now, even if the entire supply chain is legitimate, there’s still the fact that drug cartels have guys with machine guns. If they can’t do the corporate route, they’ll just rob the shipment.

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]toaskchapoWhere does fentanyl come from?
    18 days ago

    It’s the same take as any other intelligence agency or military strategist would have. I don’t believe the Chinese intelligence is trafficking drugs like the CIA. In fact, western media have reported that China’s rich businessmen have been feeling threatened by China’s crackdown on businesses and wealth, so they work with cartels to move their money around to evade Chinese laws.

    I just think China is in no rush to crack down on drug manufacturers as long as the bulk of it isn’t affecting chinese society. But they will come after you if your wealth empowers China’s enemies.

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]toaskchapoWhere does fentanyl come from?
    18 days ago

    I don’t think they care, which is different from actively wanting Americans to overdose on the streets. It provides them with a ton of propaganda (internally and abroad), and it demoralizes the enemy. They’ve offered to cooperate to combat the drugs, but the US either refuses or demands that China jump through a bunch of hoops while the US does nothing (like how they demand Mexico combat cartels, reduce poverty and migration, while also taking in other migrants and producing food for the US, while the US just needs to shoot people at the border), or they simply demonize the Chinese instead of working together. Even the DEA has praised China

    "It was all coming through the mail, aircraft, not in large quantities because it was so pure the fentanyl that they were making over in China ... but once they classified entire analogs of fentanyl, it made a huge difference," said Matt Donahue, the DEA deputy chief of operations who oversees the agency's work abroad.

    While stricter regulation has not wiped out the fentanyl-related industry in China, it has made it more difficult for illicit vendors to operate.

    If your neighbor is crazy, it’s best to just leave him alone than try to fix the problem on your own or mend relations with him.


    Pretty much all western media report that it’s companies that are skirting chinese laws and inspections rather than the laws and inspections being lax - and of course local corruption. The only people who believe that the government and party are actively trafficking drugs as part of their agenda are cranks

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]togamesits true
    18 days ago

    chad-trotsky Jewish Bolshevik Mass Murderer Leon Trotsky in 1917:

    First, we shall introduce promiscuous women into video games to undermine traditional western values. Then, when the men have become addicted to the debauchery and normalized the promiscuity, we shall strip them of it and replace it with unattractive women. It shall be a continuous cycle so the westerner is always demoralized and always complaining online.

    A masterful gambit

  • There was a post on r/Europe of a map that showed the amount of female scientists in modern Europe (read: post Soviet). Pretty much all the former eastern bloc and other former communist states had significantly high numbers of female scientists, even after the countries’ transition to capitalism, while the countries that were always pro-west and capitalist had very lower numbers.

    All the comments were cope. They were saying how “how is having more female scientists an accomplishment?” or “the west values merit and skills more instead of forcing diversity.” or “women don’t like technical jobs. The commies forced them to… because…!”

    *there turned out to be multiple posts throughout several years. You can look at them if you search “reddit.com/r/europe map of female scientists”

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]tochatSlurs becoming normalized in 2024?
    18 days ago

    White people saying the n-word with approval

    Normally this doesn’t bother me or the black people i know because most of the white kids saying it around here grew up in the same environments as us and everyone knows who’s real and who’s a racist asshole.

    But nowadays streamer culture has basically forgone all this and just let everybody do everything for views. Adin Ross type e-celebs who have a bunch of clout with celebrities and rappers and everyone is desperate for some attention

    lots of casual racism against Indian men

    Unfortunately this has been around for a long time. It was around when I was a teenager. Back then it was just “innocent” facebook meme pages trying to be roleplay as some store clerk. Then eventually it evolved into more insulting memes. The population is huge so people inevitably run into all sorts of guys, but the negative stereotypes and experiences always get pushed into the spotlight