Basic Marxism-Leninism Study Plan


Historical Materialism

Scientific Socialism


Political Economy

How to Make Historical Materialist Analysis

Introduction to the method

Marx & Engels' Application


Resources for Marxist Political Economy

  • Weilai
    3 years ago

    Good Work.

    That sub wont get banned though. It would be too mask-off for reddit to do that. Instead they're just transforming the sub into a fake commie lib sub. Recently there was a series of weird bans towards genzedong members, totally random for posts months or weeks ago, including myself, for things like "abusive behaviour" even though the comments were lacking that. My ban was changed to a week long mute when i simply replied with "What?". Seems to me like some kind of stealth attempt at purging the sub of proper leftists and just leaving it full of fake commie libs.