Country: The Netherlands

And... can I use them to make a herbal tea? They smell nice.

    1 year ago

    I agree this is most likely Daucus carota. If you are looking for some tasty herbal teas from Dutch wild plants I can recommend stinging nettle (harvest top 4 young leaves), elderflower (not in season now though..), wild blackberry and wild strawberry. I have some Dutch books about foraging, I will check for more!

      1 year ago

      Thanks! I will look into those! Quite exciting :D

      I have foraged and eaten some stinging nettle, but I didn't know it was good for making tea!

      Is there a trick to making elderflower tea? The crushed leaves of elder have a very characteristic strong smell that I don't find so pleasant - will the flower tea taste like that?

      The blackberry and wild strawberry teas are made from the fruit? Or can tea be brewed from the leaves?