Another week... another bunch of nerd graphs!


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Not much to say here, pretty stable CPU usage wise.


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The unusual memory growth appears to have been related to a minor Postgres configuration change I made last week, which was reverted on Thursday. Memory usage looking much more normal since.


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As with CPU usage, network traffic is looking stable.


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Storage growth has normalized, now that we've hit an equilibrium point. Though I'll be tweaking the object storage cache retention to minimise object storage pulls.

Cloudflare caching:

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Still saving us a large volume of egress traffic. Will save even more if particular content goes viral.


Resource utilisation on the server is looking great across the board. No skyrocketing usage as we saw initially. Storage is still looking like the first trigger for another server upgrade, but as it is now a gradual increase we'll have plenty of fore warning and its looking like this will be some time away.

Questions? 🤓