I want to focus entirely on nationalism/patriotism in America for a second. These guys love the flag and view themselves as manifestations of the hero/divine state. And that's weird to me because they also prize individuality (dont tread on me). As a side note, it's no surprise this group prefers the Gadsden flag over Franklin's "Join Or Die", that's too communal. Is there not some conflict between elevating both the individual and the nation state? A communist view elevates the good of the community over all. While the fascist/nationalist view elevates the nation/strong man. How does a "patriot" hold individual rights as "self-evident"? Are they not in conflict? Can one exalt the state and the self simultaneously?
American brain worms make Trump supporters find patriot synonymous with individualist, and that this is true only in america. Which means that the state has to become this godlike figure in order for their crusade to make sense. They also have it in their heads that they're an oppressed minority, and that they're every bit as justified to "fight" as people who are actually fighting for civil rights