• cycle [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    It's nice how easy it is to dismiss anyone that raises concerns over moderation as a member of the "Zara clique". Did you stop to consider that maybe the significant amount of people that were targeted in these banwaves might have valid cause to feel uncomfortable and aren't just toxic shitstarters trying to wreck the community?

      • cycle [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        a longass struggle session over the ability to dox mods for their choice in actions

        Blatant misrepresentation of what happened. Doxxing requires revealing personally identifiable information, which not a single fucking person attempted. Having a public modlog (with moderator usernames) is incredibly common in online communities and has nothing to do with doxxing. I find it hard to believe the moderation team is working in good faith while continuing to misuse "doxxing" as a justification for banwaves.

        And the people involved spent weeks posting nonsensical complaints at mods and most all had posts about unbanning zara in their history.

        Not everyone that was banned had anything to do with zara, and even if they did post about them in the past, that's not a justification to purge them from the server.

        Also, it's really questionable to call a group of comrades bringing attention to suspect moderation "reactionary astroturfing". Just as questionable as calling the people that were banned Zara cultists, chuds, nazbols, etc. Poor behavior all around.

      • MrsPacMan [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Clearly more than 10 people got banned. And nobody doxxed a mod.

              • MrsPacMan [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                I get that the one person asking for names is extra, but that's a big stretch to make to the whole gang trying to dox mods and you know that.

                • Rain [none/use name]
                  4 years ago

                  honestly im gonna apologize for how harsh ive been coming across. i'm frustrated with certain users involved in all this and the pointless attacks going on but i only know what i've looked into myself and i dont know everything.