You can't put a cover on the sky

Remember the 90s? Remember when people rightly identified MIC projects? But then also built a weird (but rad) secular ideology around it.

Music was better when aliens existed.

    • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
      6 months ago

      They were a band I saw sometime in the late 90s (not sure if it was before or after the Jive deal) on recomendation of a work friend because "you like that rap and metal stuff". I saw them a few times later, but that early energy was incredible. I've never really gotten over that first album, for all its flaws, as a result.

      Obviously it was later and rawer and maybe full on all the time, but It reminded me of the the first time I saw Dub War who might be one of the most underated / overlooked bands of the 90s. Partly because I went back to wathcing UK bands and when the rap/metal thing kicked off a couple of years later it already felt old and kind of a US import (apart from the aforementioned).

      • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
        6 months ago

        I never got to see them live. For whatever reason I didn't keep up with them a lot after Broke. They kept changing their name around (PE, Planet Earth, etc) and it made things difficult for whatever reason. But like IFO, Darky (Machine mix obviously), Serpent Boy, Bad Dream, The Meadow, Bartender are all like top played on my mental jukebox. They still pop up from time to time in my head for no reason. I might even still have the first CD in my garage somewhere.😅

        lol, they're touring near me this month. Shame I don't do concerts anymore.

        edit: fuck, the the whole damn first album was amazing, I'm listening to shit and realizing I've totally forgotten some of my favs. Tired of Sleep, total banger.

        • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
          6 months ago

          First things first... yeah, that first album is fucking class. The later albums were weirdly overproduced (and apparently a nightmare for the band) but that first one is like a great rap metal / hardcore record with some tactical Cypress Hill inspired slow down. "I'm tired of waitin', I'm tired of sleepin'" still feels like the premptive sound of nu/rap-metal for years to come but better.

          Darky into Schpamb used to rock people's shit when I played it - pale audiences 'into' rap getting shellshock (but the few metal kids going nuts for that bit) when they thought the classic bravado bit was over, only to be not even close to prepared for the unleashed skate-hardcore of Schpamb!

    • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
      6 months ago

      I was literally about to post a bunch and the next one was going to be Unmarked Helicopters. One of the greatest songs written about UFOs ever, even if it didn't have the added cache of being (extremely briefly and badly mixed) in the bacjground of an X Files episode. Max fucking rocks, both as a character and a double-episode. Fuck the 'Keys of X' version that shortens it and forces the theme in at the end.

      • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
        6 months ago

        data-laughing It was a great song, soundtrack had a couple songs on there I really dug. I remember fuck all about the show beyond basic premise and the black sludge nose booger alien whatevers though, especially the movie. Just total blank spot in my head.

        • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
          6 months ago

          Boooo! Go back and read the megathread, plus seasons 1-7 as homework or you're a lib who hate's theory. soviet-playful

          • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
            6 months ago

            lol, don't tell anyone, but while I watched every episode and the movies, and the lone gunman show... I was more of a Seaquest DSV / Sliders kid. And I haven't checked Sliders, but I rewatched my favorite Seaquest ep and it was lib as hell.😅

            • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
              6 months ago

              Ooof, the Lone Gunman show. That's the real conspiracy; how a good spin-off with some great plot writing was doomed to failure by some of the absolute worst creative decisions ever.

              (Also Sliders is fun, but I genuinely haven't seen an episode in 20+ years)