I have a question about something really weird.

If you go on youtube, search for "#uyghurhumanrights" and click the option to only search for that specific combination of characters.

You get a list of extremely scripted pro-China videos showcasing average people in Xinjiang saying they are living good lives, and all western accusations of forced labor and genocide are false.

Now before you accuse me of being a brainwashed westoid, look at these videos. These look like they were AI generated, the people talk like robots, the videos all have nearly identical scripts. These videos literally don't look like they were made by human beings.

So as somebody who doesn't believe the western narratives on the treatment of Uyghers, this is extremely strange to me.

I can only think of two explanations, either these videos were made by western powers as some reverse psychology psyop, so they could then publish articles about Chinese propaganda citing these videos.

Or these videos were produced by some extremely incompetent local branch of the Chinese government in Xinjiang as part of some international outreach program, and inadvertently literally made Xinjiang look like 1984.

What do you all think? I'm really curious to hear some other perspectives explaining this phenomenon.

  • AdvancedAktion@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Americans are so accustomed to being filmed and telling lies on camera that they do not understand how nervous and awkward this process is to people of other countries. Those videos are so poorly scripted and amateur that it seems much genuine.Its intentions are clear.I'm now very wary of videos/content that is slickly produced and able to arouse right emotions.