I'm not reading much into this, it is just funny how the modern MSNBC brain is literally the same as modern Fox News brain, but Fox News viewers are just a bit too old and lazy to try and shoot Biden/Harris.


  • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Ok but what if this makes maga chuds call Azov nazis which then leads them down the rabbithole and they end up calling Ukraine a neo nazi state and openly support the denazification special operation by russia?

    I think it would be very funny

    • anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]
      6 months ago

      I am unironically hoping this makes MAGA chuds hate NATO involvement in Ukraine more.

      And I hope it makes Trump even more willing to close up shop there. Inshallah.

      Isn't this the second time he basically got fucked over because of Ukraine? First was his call to Zelley and now he's being assassinated over Ukraine shit. I don't know, I think Trump will definitely deescalate with Putin and sell out Zelley which is cool with me.

    • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
      6 months ago

      American conservatives already support Putin because he's epic trad non woke man saving white civilization. They hate Ukraine because it's cozy with Biden and got Trump impeached. Liberals swear that the Russians are pysoping American conservatives, which is true because it's a rival superpower, but I can't imagine they're trying very hard when they'll fall for anything that's vaguely anti liberal.