Thanks Dems for doing jack shit about abortion bans, trans bans, the cost of living, the drone strikes, global warming, COVID.

Might as well just call them Blue conservatives. The outcome of voting for them is much the same.

    1 year ago

    I've always been saying that if it were two Republicans that had held up every Trump legislative priority, Trump would have been bullying them every day until they acquiesced, but Biden allowed Manchin and Sinema to do exactly that and acted all powerless.

    Isn't it odd how the Presidency is only weak when it comes to Democrats passing their own platforms?

    • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
      1 year ago

      Oh my god, can you imagine if it was Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney holding things up? Trump would’ve had them killed if McConnell didn’t do it first. But the republicans don’t have that problem because they actually keep their members on the party line where it matters

      • huf [he/him]
        1 year ago

        so do democrats. what you're seeing is not them failing to keep their party in line. this is their line.

        1 year ago

        Of course. But one also has to question if the Democratic Party line is one of rotating villains. I don't think it's conscious, but Democrats probably felt like they do keep their members on the party line because large chunks of their sitting representatives are openly hostile to progressivism, so Manchin isn't "out of line" to them.

        Liberals will huff about him and Sinema, then turn around and excuse their actions because they're from West Virginia and Arizona, and "can't" be like "coastal dems" if they want to be re-elected to which I'm just like "then what use are they to you?"