On big subs, like worldnews.

Like, a lot of people quoting one CDC report on IFR that presented COVID as less dangerous, without actually knowing the difference between CFR and IFR. Despite the fact that the numbers (in the report) are still very fucking high.

I hear more and more people saying that countries overreport deaths, based on some anecdotal evidence (one time a bike crash was reported as a COVID death), which is complete bullshit, of course, easily checked by looking at excess deaths.

Absolutely braindead comparisons to seasonal flu, as if seasonal flu isn't

  1. less dangerous
  2. a huge fucking problem and a cause of millions of deaths

Chapos, COVID is the most deadly airborne virus pandemic since spanish flu, and the most deadly virus since HIV/AIDS.

Oh yeah, I say "since HIV/AIDS", but HIV/AIDS pandemic is still happening. Literally millions of people die. We haven't cured it. Who said that we'll cure this one?

Also, you cant really compare coronavirus to HIV, but if we look at annual deaths, then HIV was at its peak at ~1.9 million deaths (in 2005, I think). Compare that to COVID. This is just the first 7-8 months of the pandemic and we already have more than a million deaths! That is, despite the fact that:

  1. Deaths are seriously underreported (I'm talking 30-50% just in the US. Imagine fucking Brasil. Russia? In Russia its way worse).
  2. Coronoviruses are seasonal and they peak at winter
  3. The whole world went into lockdown for months.

Holy shit, I fucking can't.

    • xanny_phantom [he/him]
      4 years ago

      My S/O and I have been super intense about it over the past 7 months and it’s been a massive drain on our mental health. We’re disinfecting everything every day, wearing masks everywhere, only shopping essentials, above and beyond anything I’ve seen any other American do. Now we’re both starting new jobs that will expose us to the public and I’m like, holy shit, what’s the point? We’re gonna get it from someone else’s stupidity anyways.

      I just don’t know what to feel now. It sucks. I want off of hell world.

    • fred [any]
      4 years ago

      Well... maybe it's about more than YOU. This attitude sucks, have some social responsibility for fuck's sake. Very cool that you don't care if you get sick, but fuck you for not giving a fuck if you get other vulnerable people sick and kill them.

      Over 1 million people have died.

      Go to a fucking park and see your friends and family. Have a small gathering inside with masks. There's a million ways to responsibly visit your family and friends without being like, "ah fuck it, this is too hard, covid for everyone!".

    • agoddamncheeto [any]
      4 years ago

      Yeah this is where I'm at too.

      All full lockdowns did was expose the working class as fodder for the virus PLUS cause them economic harm as well while protecting the PMC with their comfy WFH jobs. Not just in the US, all capitalist countries have seen this play out. Only reason China was able to do what it did was because of its state economy, and we are well past the point of being able to eliminate the virus anyway until there is a really good vaccine at least. So it's like how do you keep society running the best way possible, while living with the virus until enough immunity is built up via natural infection or vaccine. To me its like open schools as much as possible (while providing PPE for teachers + hazard pay plus often testing of kids plus other social distancing measures/masks, improved ventilation), encourage people to work from home still but those who can't (as we still need people to run essential supply chains, etc) get full protection plus hazard pay. Ones who are laid off, full UE until the pandemic is over plus health care. Options and funds for employees to fully buyout any business that fails. Encourage anyone over 50? 55? to stay at home, pay them if we have too. Protect those in LTC facilities at all costs. Fully fund the arts so they come back strong. Allow and encourage low risk outside activities for exercise and mental well being. Anyone who does get sick no cost treatment at any hospital of their choice plus full on quarantine/isolation support at NICE hotels or treatment centers.