Funny how there's always exactly enough rogue blue-lawn-sign US senators to sink good legislation.
I know endorsements aren't worth a bucket of warm piss but it's still funny.
Tfw joe mancini is more principled over minutae of senatorial procedures than bernie panders over genocide
What "vote blue no matter who to protect abortion rights" actually looks like
Even if they create a filibuster exception (or kill that fucking thing) and they pass a law - this method is 100% guaranteed failure. The GOP justices will say the law is unconstitional and the GOP easy-peasy kills it dead. The dems will never do it - but to pass a Roe law - they must pack the court first. As far as I know - Kamala and the entire dem machine is pretending that's not true. Meanwhile the media like MSNBC plays along like passing a law without court packing is possible.
It's all kabuki. Everything in the US is so fucking dumb.