Adkml [he/him]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023

  • I get if people are pissed at me but I've bit my tongue a few times already. I understand if people need money, I'm not gonna scold people for how they spend money donated to them, but at a certain telling everybody how you spent the money on drugs then coming back and asking for more is frustrating.

    I'm sure I'm overreacting but part of that's cus I feel guilty cus I had friends like this that I wish I had of said sonething earlier on rather then telling them shits rough out there and they gotta do what they gotta do over and over while they told me this time they were gon a use the money to get a place to stay, or a car, or a computer so they could look for jobs and then a month later they're asking for more money for the same thing.

  • Jesus christ you blew 4k plus in a month and you're still asking people to keep donating and acting like you're going to use it for anything other than drugs.

    A single person gave you a life changing amount of money less than a month ago, you posted about doing lines of ket, posted that you aren't going to save up for a car anymore and now you're asking for more money?

  • It's fucking mind melting to watch both sides acknowledge the opponent is clearly one bad day away from a full time care home then turn around and insist THEIR guy is as sharp as ever.

    What are the actual numbers, how is it possible like 60% of the country is actively enthusiastically doing the kind of mental gymnastics that they should be absolutely ashamed of, and that includes every media person paid over 200k in the country.

    This headline is literally "don't believe your lying eyes"

  • Adkml [he/him]topoliticsIt's her turn.
    16 days ago

    I want this to happen just so clinton can fucking eat shit in front of the entire world again.

    I had a theory she was making all these tone deaf antagonistic statements to kill the campaign and make sure she didn't go down in history as thenonly person who.managed to lose to trump.

    Jumping on the sinking ship to cement your legacy as the only person to lose to him TWICE would be incredible.

  • Once again feeling vindicated for calling g this was going to get turned into the modern day snopes that's basically just "correcting the record" and then depressed because once again being correct about what was about to happen because you're capable of material analysis isn't actually worth anything.

  • Unfortunately reddit long term plan to chase everybody off who can't fit squarely through the Overton window has worked flawlessly and there's not a more concentrated gathering of libs who wish they could be chuds anywhere on the internet.

    They legit thought voting for Obama absolved them of any criticisms from the left and have built a fortress in that line of thought.

  • Adkml [he/him]tochapotraphouseRepresentation [CW: meat]
    16 days ago

    Those burgers appear to be totally raw. It really seems like they did get some grilled sausage from elsewhere and the s lapped them on there.

    If it is legit why the fuck did they totally cook the sausages before adding cheese to a clearly uncooked gray burger patty.

  • Adkml [he/him]tochapotraphouseRepresentation [CW: meat]
    16 days ago

    It would have been so much fucking easier to just grill some fucking burgers.

    At least the means testing brainstorm are so terminal they inflict it on themselves and make everything as complicated and ineffective as possible for them too.

    Like did they grill the sausages, add them to the grill and currently he's huffing gas because the lines are open but there's clearly no flame.