Before starting, I want to emphasize death to amerikkka amerikkka amerikkka and that this rant does not pertain to genuine European leftist comrades.

Especially on r/shitamericanssay back on reddit-logo (I know there are some very based comrades that participate in the sub), I see a bunch of Europeans shitting on Amerikkka for being the cancerous hellhole that it is. As much as I approve of shitting on this pathetic excuse of a nation, I just can't get across the fact that the vast majority of individuals like that are nothing but a bunch of chauvinistic hypocrites with a chronic superiority complex and an insatiable hate boner that which they conceal by LARPing as leftists.

Thing is, almost every single anti-American eu-cool I meet online range from nothing but a glorified bunch of succdem chauvinists that stroke their hate boners (and PRETEND to "begrudgingly" kiss China's ass) to get off to the fact that they are 10% less shitty than the worst cancer to ever plague mankind at best, to straight up neolibs advocating for Russian genocide shitting on their big daddy Amerikkka for not funding the Ukraine war enough, or to God forbid, the typical Euronazi idiot making fun of the "racially impure Mutts".

Speaking as an American leftist, I know that non-American comrades are fully able to discern me from the idiots of this shithole, respecting me as another fellow comrade. But on the other hand, those hateful, bitter Euro nationalists aforementioned would most likely treat me as a subhuman cancer cell just solely based on the fact that I'm a Yank.

At least, in my personal experience, Y*nkkkoids online don't sugarcoat their shittiness (as they do in real life). They're some of the shittiest people you'll ever meet but at least they're consistent with their shittiness, flaunting their hateful idiocy and fervent anti-communism for the whole world to see. Eurolibshits, on the other hand, pretend to be morally and intellectually superior and enlightened when in reality, they're nothing but another group of bitter, hateful bootlicker morons. If there's one thing I have to agree with other Amerikkkans, it's the fact that most Eurolibs would immediately bend over and start sucking Uncle Sam's dick the moment communism starts winning (as you could see this moment) and their precious imperialist outposts ukkkraine and isntrael are in legitimate danger of losing

Just a rant. Anyways, have a good day comrades.

  • Lenins_Cat_Reincarnated
    4 months ago

    Any European who praises Europe over the US is either ignoring of glorifying the facts that thousands of African and Middle Eastern refugees die on their way to Europe every year due to criminal border policies and that probably millions are subjected to inhumane living conditions because they’re being forced to live in overcrowded encampments that lack basic necessities such as food and hygiene.

    I really don’t care if Sunak experiences more or less racism here than he would in the US but I’m sure that people make racist comments about him in Europe as well.