Trying to get to know the community a bit more.

If you want to share figures (you don't have to) you might probably want to use a throwaway account, better safe than sorry.

    1 year ago

    Would never say no to more. Could probably make more at same level. But am mostly happy / feel fortunate for where I’m at.

      1 year ago

      I always feel like the tipping point is where you are starting to mostly consider other aspects (work-life balance, work load, colleagues, type of work) over pay.

      For me that's happening now, before I would mostly take the salary into account.

        1 year ago

        This is where I’ve been for a couple of years now. Could I make more money and have more responsibility? Absolutely. But I make plenty, I work with good people, and I “work” from home twice a week. My week is 10 hours of real work, 10 hours of meetings about that work, and 20 hours of fucking around waiting for other people to finish their work. I do most of my fucking around at home where I can do whatever I want. Do I really want to give up this slack ass job to chase a 10->15% raise? I’m not sure I do.

    1 year ago

    Hah. No. Not even close. I'm struggling with finding job, and measly minimum pay would be a live saver for me. I guess I'm not worth it.

        1 year ago

        Yeah, my "worth as a person" will feed me. Sure. I'm honestly burnt out.

  • alex [they, il]
    1 year ago

    I am extremely overpaid. I am also quitting soon and will most likely find an underpaid job, so I'm really trying to make the most of my extra money right now!

    1 year ago

    Satisfied enough, I guess. I make a little over half a million a year. Thing is, I burn about $30k/mo right now trying to keep my small businesses afloat (debts from mid-covid, payroll, medical benefits for employees). A little less than $10k/mo goes to my own bills, savings, retirement, health, etc. Rest usually goes back to the community or local charitable causes.

    I take zero money out of my businesses and haven't for 3 years or so now.

    What would be great is if I could get back to where the businesses are self-sustaining, but the last few COVID years changed so much that I'm beginning to doubt it's possible and at the moment I don't have the heart to just shut them down or leave the employees without a job.

    But, I can't work 80 hours+ a week forever. I have a family too. I think it will help once the debts are paid off, but just trend/trajectory-wise it will still take some additional foot traffic and sales growth that I'm just not sure will happen anymore.

    1 year ago

    On my side, I am happy with my current salary.

    When I started working, I was always looking for the next raise, because I felt like I was never making enough.

    Now I feel like I have enough money to live a good life and save enough to feel safe, so pretty happy at the moment.

    1 year ago

    I was. I was making 100k AUD, able to support another through University and easily pay my relatively small mortgage.

    With interest rates gone up, I'm paying 50% more for the mortgage, and bigger increase than that on food, gas, electricity, rates and hot water. We are on the edge of comfortable, though our budget still has a little fat we can trim. I don't like the effective pay decrease I've had this last while, so no; I would be happy going back to two years ago levels of comfort.