Pic related is what r/neoliberal thinks about you and everyone else who supported Bernie. Reminder that neither Biden nor his supporters want your vote, your solidarity, or anything else from you, and they never will. They don't respect you, they don't want to work with you, and you aren't going to move them left.

If you still resignedly vote Biden for them because they've successfully guilt tripped you about hArM rEdUcTiOn and tHe MoSt PrOgReSsIvE pLaTfOrM iN hIsToRy, you deserve the betrayal and sidelining you're on course to receive from the Democratic Party under the Biden administration. Menaker Pledge 4 lyfe

  • taelor [any]
    4 years ago

    I’m not voting for Biden, but I finally caved and started lying to all my family and friends by saying that I would. They think this election matters. They think civilization an democracy depends on it. I know it doesn’t, so rather than have endless, fruitless arguments about how if I’m not voting for Biden then I’m voting for Trump, I just took the path of least resistance. They don’t need to know the truth—we’re all happier if they don’t. I love them, but every goddamn one of them is a lib and—particularly with my 80+ year old parents—I just want to have a peaceful relationship with them for whatever time is left. I used to think my parents would not live to see the worst of the impending collapse, but now I’m not so sure. If I don’t give a shit about this election and they do, what’s the harm in making them happy?

    • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      This might work best. Just tell them what they want to hear.