I saw The Road and It Comes At Night pretty quickly after each other. Both incredibly disturbing in how possible and real it all is. Any other films that portray the incoming environmental collapse and/or societal decay?

  • Spike [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Wall E - We literally give up on Earth and leave

    Children of Men - Already mentioned on here but it really is such a good depiction of how our society would collapse

    Max Max series - A leader telling people not to get addicted to water sounds in line with our current society

    The first part of Interstellar does a decent job depicting society where people still go to watch baseball even with natural disasters happening at any moment

    Cowboy Bebop - Yes this is weeb and technically a series, but there is a film too. Its optimistic enough to believe we manage to get off Earth, but realistic enough to show the Earth is fucked and capitalism still reigns supreme. No lessons were learned from destroying the planet.

    Dredd - Shows how fascist police operate