...but also kinda considering it.

  • JeanPaulBlartre [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The universe is too big, complicated, and old for any one religion to be able to fully and accurately explain it.

    Also Jesus was overrated and his "love everyone" angle was an impossible denial of the full range and richness of the human condition (which includes negative things like anger, judgment, conflict, and affinity AKA loving some people more than others). To paraphrase D.H. Lawrence: we're moral animals, not moral machines.

    • REallyN [she/her,they/them]
      4 years ago

      Interesting idea, I'm not sure if being Christian would deny this full range of the human condition as much as put it in a different context.

      • JeanPaulBlartre [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I mean, Christianity is normative. It establishes that there's one right way (Jesus' teachings) and a lot of wrong ways humans are supposed to think and feel and act, even though humans are unique and no two human minds are going to consistently operate the exact same way. It denies difference.

        Then there's the historical evidence. When you have groups like the Council of Nicaea voting on what's canon and what's apocrypha, it's hard to take it seriously as divine revelation and not just a human cultural product that was built up over years.