"Why isn't she running away with it?" David Brooks asks. Turns out, it's because of woke! It's also because Democrats insist on hating oil, and generally catering only to the most extreme of the extreme left--if only she would pivot to the center! Some of the most distilled, unfiltered bullshit I've ever seen, even considering the source.
did he have to do drugs about it?
It's been a while since I read it but I think he had to be divorced about it, then had the sudden realization in a train station that all the people around him weren't actually NPCs and had internal lives of their own just like him
i can kinda see how young children and teenagers can stumble onto this realization later than others, but to not realize this until fifty? ...at least he got there eventually, I suppose.
It's because he started having sex again
Chapo had an amazing reading series on that one, episode 311
It's probably something not uncommon among conservatives, really. The chauvinism at the base of their worldview's gotta come from somewhere, I figure.
No. But he did divorce his wife and marry his much younger assistant.