Apologies for the delay but here they are. As per usual, if your pronouns aren't in the list, please comment them here and I'll see that they get added.

UPDATE: “Undecided” and “None/Use Name” have now been added.

  • CenkUygurCamp [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    But allowing cat/girl because it is an in joke makes this look like a meme too. You either have to gatekeep and allow only widely accepted pronouns or allow everyone to fill in whatever and ban those who are clearly taking the piss. This halfway solution of allowing user suggestions that are highly specific to them or just jokes is a halfway solution that, to me, neither makes it look serious or gives enough freedom to users.

    edit: and with this system the discussion about what is/isn't a joke and what should be deleted from the list will always come up and it has to go through the mods, who then might have discussions amongst themselves. This clearly will end nowhere as there is no objective standard to judge something personal like this. The only thing that can temper this debate is allowing zero user input or direct user input