DAE science!! Also the fuck is this article: https://www.science.org/content/article/are-diamonds-earth-s-best-friend-gem-dust-could-cool-planet-and-cost-trillions

"to solve climate change we must shoot 5 million tons of diamond dust into the atmosphere"

  • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    Its funny when they always quote the cost of saving the planet and ourselves.

    As if someone will always say

    "Yes it would cost 5 trillion green bucks , geez I guess that's too much. You know I think I prefer the entire human extinction and destroing the planet for millions of years sorry not sorry."

    I kind of believe we're fucked for small reasons like this, every single time, without fail, actions necessary to save ourselves are measured and justified based on some material cost.