She seems very good.

Content Warning: there is an American asshole from I24 at one point. It gets a bit confrontational. Other than that, it’s incredible.

It’s honestly very cathartic seeing someone at the highest possible level be this honest and upfront about what is going on. Also, Abby Martin is there.

  • LibsEatPoop [any]
    4 months ago

    Thanks for the links! I’m glad someone found the video useful :)

    YouTube just randomly recced it to me as I was going to sleep and I had to stay up to watch it. I couldn’t believe someone as high up in a position of power as her was being so frank and honest about what was going on.

    In a way it was cathartic. But it was also depressing - even she can’t get through to the people with actual power…

    • glans [it/its]
      4 months ago

      I mean there is a reason why Israel hates the UN. Because as much as it would be to their benefit to adhere to the US line, they can't help themselves but to appoint people like this. For all it'll do. One big puzzle for me is why this isn't a more concerning aspect for libs. Shouldn't this be their problem?

      I didn't actually bring myself to read the report yet. I only opened it and zoomed out. Look at the footnotes (purple) vs text ratio in the report:

      it is allllll citations. The mark of a writer who knows they will not be believed when asserting the sky is blue.

      I'm surprised at her pep. I felt tired on her behalf watching.

      I only notice at the end she is wearing a gray and black kufiyyeh.

      I think you found the only good italian.