I run a weekly WFRP group and for various personal reasons our two most competent fighters have left the group. This has left the remaining 3 characters (a hedge mage, a social character, and a ranged fighter) in a situation where they are simply too scared to take plot threads, as they might entail combat.

Yes, they have the option (and enough money) to hire mercenaries just to put bodies between them and danger, but that also entails an ongoing cost. They also happen to be at the beginning of Shadows Over Bögenhafen, which is a convenient place to on-board new players.

edit: oh, uh you can just respond to this post or DM me to apply.

  • SevenSkalls [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Never played the Warhammer rpg before. What kind of system is it like?

    • HiImThomasPynchon [des/pair, it/its]
      4 months ago

      Closest thing I have to compare it to is Chaosium/Call of Cthulhu and early D&D. You have a d100 that you roll against the appropriate skill or stat, with your rank in said skill or stat as the DC. If you roll lower than your stat, you succeed. Difficulty is added or subtracted from the relevant stat

      Example: Your charm skill is a 30 and you're interacting with someone who likes you, so you get a +20 to charm and so your DC is effectively 50 for that roll.