My husband works at a small store and recently had an older woman came in to buy some stuff. On her way out, he was holding the door open for her because she was using a walker. As they were in the doorway, she said something about "Oh no, we're not doing that today" suggesting that he was trying to make some type of move to sexually assault her.

He is really offended by her comment because he is not the type to harass or assault women. I'm having a hard time talking to him about it in a non-biased way, because I know what it's like to have to assume that men are going to try to pull something, especially if you're alone.

I'm hoping to get some advice on how to talk to him to make him feel better or more supported because both conversations we've had, I feel like I'm invalidating his feelings because of my bias.

    1 year ago

    Maybe you need to think long and hard about why you are assuming all men are potential perpetrators to the point it reflects negatively on your thoughts about your own husband, instead of being a supportive partner.

      1 year ago

      Thanks. While I don't think my husband acted in a predatory way, nor do I act on my thoughts about men being predatory, it is usually something that is on my mind when I'm alone with a stanger. I am appreciative of the feedback here and will definitely do some introspection.