YOU are speaking!

Have you made any poignant commentary on the recent election in the U.S.? Do you have a good response to liberals who are upset with the results or process of the election? Have you written or seen something as a comment reply/post that you think has standalone value? Did you see a new take or analysis you hadn’t previously considered?

Whether it’s a long idea with lots of context, or a short and sweet one liner, we want those thoughts aggregated here. This post is intended to be a resource for comrades to draw from when having actual discussions outside of Hexbear both online or IRL regarding the election.

Consider this a mini-effortpost aggregator. This is not for shitposts, but humor is completely acceptable if it helps make the point.

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    2 months ago

    Umm, yes. Specifically for Leftists of the non revolutionary sort, or those tempted to hide and wait out the tide of reaction, or those in despair. This is off the cuff and a bit scattered, so any critique is probably justified. I guess Agitprop for communists is still Agitprop. Perhaps Inspirprop (god that's bad, surely I can think of something better)?

    #On maintaining sanity.#

    Mao once said "Everything is chaos under heaven, the situation is excellent." General Foch, while saving the French army from destruction in 1914 said "My centre is giving way, my right is retreating, situation excellent, I am attacking."

    Everything is not, quite, chaos yet. The only centre giving way is the libs and the right is definitely not retreating. What remains of the centre is, to the extent it functions anymore, focused on beating down the Left.

    The situation is not excellent.

    I have lost three comrades to despair since election night and one of them wasn't even in the USA. Three worlds dead. Three revolutions that will never happen. How can I possibly describe the sorrow? I have spent hours with many more leftists and fellow travellers, talking them through this time. I think, I hope, I have had some small effect on their mental state.

    The situation is terrible.

    Nevertheless we must attack. Defense is not enough. Apathy is not enough. Fleeing and hiding is not enough. It is not yet a time of chaos but it is a time of opportunity. There are a million things to do. We must (ha ha) Combat Liberalism, because in a few months we will surely be combating Fascism, or at least reaction.

    For the Libs are bleeding. The reason they are attacking us is because this represents an incredible opportunity to Take Their Stuff. Their funding has collapsed, their "grassroots" institutions lead by lanyards but run by socialists and increasingly panicked progressives. Their policies clearly have no meaning. Union action continues to spike despite constant efforts by union leadership and state labour boards. As leftists, if we are in a liberal organisation now is the time to speak up, become insufferable, and turn it into a seed that the revolutionary orgs can use. If we have liberal friends or family now is the time to show them hope by the eternal light of our saviour, Karl Marx.

    I understand, this is risky, but the Liberals are disheartened, and a voice of hope (with some critique) can be very powerful.

    Every suggestion I have is simply that. Not everything I say is good for every person. I don't have every strategy. Use this as a launch pad. These are off the cuff notes. One thing I will say is don't just dismiss these. Saying "this is too hard" is a form of Liberalism.

    In every revolution, leftists in businesses, bureaucracies and social orgs quickly decapitated the leadership and established socialist councils. Many of these were not members of formal orgs, or even activists. They were simply the people who were right, consistently, and who when things went crappy knew what to do. It is easy to become this person. Just be good at your job, help your fellow employees, especially mentor new workers, and don't hide your socialism as much as you can without getting fired. Don't put up with chud-lite bullshit, but also help them at their job. Often, a quick light hearted jab does wonders without embarrassing them. Show them Socialists are Better. Better Friends, Better Workers, Better Conversationalists, Better Politicians.

    This is a lot of work, and will go against a lot of our anti-work prejudices. anti-work is for workers, not for Cadre. We don't work for the boss we work for our co-workers. And you do want to be Cadre, right? The result is not a Socialist workplace, but a workplace that when reaction comes to town will back you, and not the fascists.

    There is also opportunity with individuals. I think, in the coming days, this is the most important thing. First we must help leftists and the oppressed, but we know how to do this, we are used to failure.

    Next, Adopt a Liberal. Progressive ideally, but a lanyard type is fine too. They're having an even worse time than we are, and they could use the company. Listen, patiently, to their half-baked ideas about how Latinos are all nazis and should be sent over the border. I know, I know. Scratch a Liberal, but really, they are just acting out. Their belief system has collapsed and they haven't forgotten it yet. Talk to them, ask them questions. Give Standard Maoist English and strident analyses about how we are right all the time only as a last resort. Use data as a counter sparingly, use Pathos as much as possible, because Libs are Idealists. wring out catharsis using Socratic dialogue (the non insufferable kind) let them clarify their thoughts, and show them a path forward. This is something that will take days, weeks. And it will only be the beginning. But a Liberal who begins to see the possibility in Socialism is 98% there, they'll get themselves the rest of the way, eventually.

    Finally, yes, join an org. This is much easier than you might think. Do you have rl friends? Are they Socialists or Anarchists of some stripe? Congratulations on your new Vanguard Party, General Secretary! This is how the first orgs started. Friends or co workers, bitching about how work sucks, swapping ideas and stories, reading newspapers. That's all you need to do. Find some friends, then find their friends. Merge if you want to, stay independent if you don't. Engage in praxis if you'd like, or stay theory-focused and just work on agit-prop techniques.

    By now you are full of ideas, either shit I've not thought of or a thousand objections about how none of this will work because you have no friends, are unemployed, cannot speak to people, and live in a town entirely populated by Rhodesian expats who are also AIPAC members. Good, live with those thoughts and objections and think them through. Progress the contradiction in what must be done and what cannot be done. That in itself is a useful act. Do post if you find out the way through.

    I'll stop by saying that phrase that we've all heard so many times it sounds naff. A Better World is Possible. Let's mull over what that means, because I feel it really encapsulates Socialism. All the stuff in Capital or Mutual Aid is simply extrapolation.

    A Better World is Possible.

    A Better World is Possible.

    A Better World Is Possible.

    A Better World Is Possible.

    As communists, it is our job, our sacred duty, to be that possibility.