I mean jesus christ there was a slight dip in turnout for the MAGA people but 15 million dropped off the face of the planet for the Dems from 2020. That's gotta be fucking historic. I do hope this will be a radicalising moment for a lot of well-intentioned liberals.

They fumbled 4 states that Biden flipped, and Trump came pretty fucking close to flipping NY. If this doesn't awaken people to the political dead end that is the Democratic party I don't know what will.

  • VILenin [he/him]
    4 months ago

    I do hope this will be a radicalising moment for a lot of well-intentioned liberals.

    They’re getting radicalized alright, just not in the direction you would hope for.

    • SevenSkalls [he/him]
      4 months ago

      They either are going into a) full-on doomerism, this country sucks, will never elect a woman, is fully racist, etc. Which does make sense.
      Or b) they're getting mad at the Dems, which is my preferred outcome so glad to see it happening all over the place.
      Or c) they're getting mad at minorities, including Latinos and Arabs. Which sucks but is not unexpected either in this fascist af country.